Indicator of overlapping coverage

  • overlapping coverage lead to bad SINR for user at the overlapping area/cell edge user and bring to lower modulation (QPSK)
  • cell with high ratio of packet with QPSK modulation indicating has overlapping user
  • in huawei has counter that also indicating of  ratio cell edge user, this counter measuring user with delta RSRP between serving and detected cell in below 6db (adjustable threshold)
common overlapping problem
  • overshooting: excessive coverage passing through 1st tier site
  • over-tilting: lack of coverage due to too much down tilted
  • head to head overlapping: main beam of cell surrounding heading into the same area with opposite direction and lead to excessive coverage overlapping
  • side lobe overlapping: site beam of co-site cells have overlapping due to lack of inter sector gap azimuth or too much mechanical tilt that produce wider side lobe overlapping

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